
by Abi Cushman

A hula-hooping moose, a badger with a bumblebee umbrella and a rabbit in a cashmere sweater, show their grumpy bear friend that a day of fun does not have to depend on sunshine and blue skies.

WATCH and LISTEN to Abi Cushman read her book Soaked! For Brightly Storytime:


Action Rhyme: Rain Is Falling Down

The rain is falling down (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH! (clap once loudly)
The rain is falling down (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH! (clap once loudly)
Pitter patter pitter patter (tap legs softly)
The rain is falling down (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH!(clap once loudly)

The sun is peeking out,
PEEK! (put hands over eyes, then peek out)
The sun is peeking out,
PEEK! (put hands over eyes, then peek out)
Peeking here, peeking there, (put hands over eyes, pan the room)
The sun is peeking out,
PEEK! (put hands over eyes, then peek out)


Fingerplay: Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the water spout. (with pointer against opposite hand’s thumb move “spider” up)
Down came the rain (wiggle fingers down like rain drops falling)
and washed the spider out. (make a motion like baseball SAFE)
Out came the sun (make a larger circle with arms, fingertips meeting, above head)
and dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider (with pointer against opposite hand’s thumb move “spider” up)
Went up the spout again.


Movement: Raindrops Falling

Raindrops, raindrops (wiggle fingers like rain)
Falling all around
Pitter-patter on the rooftops (tap fingers on head)
Pitter-patter on the ground (tap fingers on ground)

Here is my umbrella (form “umbrella” over head with arms)
It will keep me dry
When I’m walking in the rain,
I hold it up so high. (stretch hands above head)


COLOR this Owl and Chick in the rain coloring page from SuperColoring.com

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