
It’s time for bed, but Biscuit doesn’t want to sleep! Before Biscuit gets into bed he wants one more snack, one more story, one more kiss. Will he ever go to sleep? Woof, woof!


WATCH and LISTEN to Alyssa Satin Capucilli read her very first book about Biscuit:


SONG:  The Paws on the Dog (tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot.
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot, trot.
The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot.
All through the town.

Additional verses:
The ears on the dog go flop, flop, flop…
The nose on the dog goes sniff, sniff, sniff…
The tongue on the dog goes lick, lick, lick…
The bark on the dog goes woof, woof, woof…
The tail on the dog goes wag, wag, wag…
The people with the dogs go, “SIT!”


FINGERPLAY: Ten Little Doggies

Ten little doggies went out one day, (hold up ten fingers)
To dig in the dirt and play, play, play. (dig, slap knees on each ‘play’)
Five were spotted, and five were not, (hold up one hand, then the other)
And at dinnertime they ate a lot! (pretend to eat)


COLOR Biscuit with these fun coloring sheets:

HELP Biscuit find his way to school through this maze

MATCH sight words with the pictures by clicking here

FIND more fun Biscuit activities on Reading is Fundamental



1. It’s time for Biscuit to go to bed, but he needs some things before he’s ready to go to sleep. List three things that Biscuit needed before he could go to sleep. Who gave him what he needed?

2. Is Biscuit a grown-up dog or a puppy? How do you know? Is the person taking care of him a grown-up or a child? How do you know? When you go to bed, how are you like Biscuit? How are you different?

3. Who says “Woof, woof” in this story? How do you know? What would Biscuit say if he were a kitten instead of a puppy? What are some other words that describe the sounds animals make?



Bedtime Story: The little girl reads a bedtime story to Biscuit. What story do you like to hear or read at bedtime? Imagine that one of your pets or stuffed animals asked you to read a bedtime story to them. Choose a book that you can read and read it aloud to your pet or stuffed animal.

Bedtime Routine: Now that the little girl knows what Biscuit needs before bed, she can make sure he has all of those things each night. To help her remember everything she needs to do, make a poster that she could put up in her home to help her remember how to put Biscuit to bed. Or make a list of the things you need to do every night before you go to bed. What is your bedtime routine?

Good Morning Story: What will Biscuit and the little girl do when they wake up in the morning? Draw a picture of something you think the two of them will do together. Then dictate or write a paragraph to go with your picture that tells all about Biscuit and his friend in the morning.

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