“A Parade of Elephants”

Up and down, over and under, through and around: five big and brightly colored elephants are on a mission. Where are they going? What will they do when they get there? It’s a surprise! After reading, choose an activity to extend learning. 


WATCH and LISTEN to author Kevin Henkes read A Parade of Elephants:


ACTION RHYME: “Five Elephants in the Bathtub”


One elephant in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, knock,   (clap each time you say “knock”)
Splash, splash,  (slap knees each time you say “splash”)
Come on in!  (motion with both hands to come in)


Two elephants elephants in the bathtub… etc.


Three elephants elephants in the bathtub… etc.


Four elephants elephants in the bathtub… etc.


Five elephants elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, knock,  (clap each time you say “knock”)
Splash, splash,  (slap knees each time you say “splash”)
They all fell in!  (raise hands up in air)


ACTION RHYME: “One Elephant Went Out to Play”


One elephant went out to play  (use fingers to show how many elephants)
Out on a spider’s web one day  (bounce finger up and down)
He had such ENORMOUS fun  (spread arms out wide)
That he called for another elephant to come
Hey elephant…..  (cup mouth and call this out loudly. Then pat hands on lap to imitate an elephant running over to join)


Two elephants…

Three elephants…


Four elephants…


Five elephants went out to play  (hold up five fingers)
Out on a spider’s web one day  (bounce fingers up and down)
They had such ENORMOUS fun  (spread arms out wide)
It broke! Oh no!  (lift up arms and wave them around)


COLOR or DRAW.  Kevin Henkes has storytime activity sheets on his website(pdf).


MOVE AROUND!  In the story, the elephants go around and up and down and over and under. Pretend you’re an elephant and repeat their path in your house or yard. 


CREATE a paper plate elephant. Using a paper plate, markers, crayons, or paint, and a bit of glue or tape, make your own elephant. Use scissors or a whole punch and a Popsicle stick or craft stick to transform into a mask! Click here for instructions.

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