
Click here for a pdf version of this policy.

 Policy Adopted by the Board of Trustees January 12, 1998

Policy revised November 12, 2002

Policy revised September 12, 2005

Policy revised July 10, 2023

“Library Internet Access” is on-site use of the Internet service provided by the Library via either Library-owned technology or non-Library-owned technology.

As a critical service of the Library, Library Internet Access is free of charge, however, the Library reserves the right to limit access to Library equipment to ensure overall access.

Library Internet Access is subject to the following terms and conditions:

User Responsibilities

1) Library Internet Access may not be used to commit crimes (including but not limited to computer intrusion, identity theft, and threats).

2) Library Internet Access may not be used to violate any aspect of the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy (including but not limited to the bar on harassment and disruption of Library operations).

3) Library Internet Access may not be used to damage Library property or operations (including but not limited to physical damage or the introduction of damaging viruses or malware).

4) As with any Library resource, parents and guardians are responsible for supervising their children’s use of the Internet. Any restriction of a minor child’s internet access is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, not the Library staff.

User Rights

1) Records related to use of Library Internet Access per this policy are confidential Library records. Unless disclosure is needed for the operational needs of the Library, such records shall only be disclosed to a third party per a duly issued subpoena or after written consent of the patron to whom the record pertains.

2) To the extent a user requires Library employee assistance to access information or services via Library Internet Access, such employee assistance, even if not a written confidential record, shall be considered confidential, and unless disclosure is needed for the operational needs of the Library, such use shall only be disclosed to a third party per a duly issued subpoena or after written consent of the patron to whom the record pertains.

3) A Library employee or other person who suspects a user has violated this policy, or who is concerned about the safety of another in relation to this policy, may report their concerns to the Director, or the person managing the Library at the time, who shall make a determination per the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy or other applicable guidelines.

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